Hello! A quick update for those who have subscribed to my blog since my first entry in 2018. First and foremost, thank you for your support, feedback, and kind words over the years! All of that has kept me motivated to continue writing and contributing to the nudist and naturist community.
This week, I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Substack.
Not much will change for you: If you were subscribed to my blog previously, your subscription should have transferred over to the new platform seamlessly and you will continue to receive emails when there is a new entry published. The link to my blog will remain the same (www.almostwild.blog), though some old links to individual blog entries will likely have broken. Some internal links between entries may also be broken as I continue to settle into Substack.
Why Substack?
I enjoyed Wordpress and all of its customization options, but ultimately am opting for Substack in order to make better use of its integrated engagement tools, connection to other writers on the platform, and more streamlined experience for you as the reader and me as the writer. Substack hosts a vibrant writing community, and I’m excited to join in.
Will subscribers have to pay to read Almostwild?
Everything continues to be accessible to free subscribers! Substack does offer easily integrated paid subscriptions, which is what allows readers to support writers and their respective communities through the platform, though I have not enabled that feature. If a paid subscription option is introduced to Almostwild, it will not lock new or recent posts: No matter how you’re subscribed, you’ll always be able to read my latest entries.
Thank you!
Thank you again for your support and readership! I look forward to sharing more writings soon and engaging with you all.