I enjoyed reading this Timothy because your identification of joy as being a celebration of working through something and coming out into the light. I was on a tantra workshop focusing on intimacy last week and I found real joy exactly because I had to work through a lifetime of being closed to intimacy. I found my personal joy in company with a loving community all helping each other as best we can...

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Terrific as always!

I needed to read this phrase twice to make sure I had understood it the first time: “people of varying shapes and sizes and colors and lovers” - and when I verified that yep, I had understood it correctly, I realized what a treasure it is. Beautiful and clever way of expressing that!

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This is so good Tim ♡

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A very interesting piece. I am totally solitary as far as nakedness and sexuality are concerned. I have no social life. Because of the laws, attitudes, and location of where I live, the only place where I can be naked is within my apartment. I don't spend all my time naked because the temperature may be too chilly, or I want the curtains open to let in the Sunshine, or I need the lights on, or I need to go in and out my door. BUT, when I change clothes or for any reason am naked, I savor those moments! Sometimes I am in my kitchen/living room where the light is just dim enough that I can be naked without anyone walking past my kitchen window would not notice my nakedness unless they stop and very intently look in the window. I can't enjoy the Sunshine there, but I can enjoy being naked. I try this often in the summer when the temperature inside the apartment is warm. Sometimes when it is hot, I will only put on a shirt that is long enough so that I can even stand by my big window without anybody noticing that the lower half of me is naked. Most will probably think that I am weird, but that is the way I am.

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